An assortment of photos

Cockies about to take wing

The Cockies just before taking flight to Flinders Island for the Sydney Cove Festival, 1997. From left to right; Mike, Roger, Jane and Steven.

jane under wing

Jane fastening her seatbelt on the safest seat on the plane before take off.

cockies at port arthur

The Cockies at Port Arthur for the Fire Ceremony in 1998. From left to right: Mike, Lindsay, Jane and Steven.


Olympic Torch Relay Festival,

York Park, Launceston, 4 August 2000

cockies at york park

The Cockies in front of an empty oval contemplating the as-yet unfinished stage. The pantechnicon became bogged trying to get onto the oval, delaying the set up by several hours.
From left to right: Lindsay, Mike, Steve & Jane

jane, steve and lindsay

Jane, Steve and Lindsay warm up amid the haze of the generators firing up.


Mike warms up by having a nap in his keyboard case.

all in front of the olympic truck

All four warm up as the stands begin to fill in the background.

cockies on stage 1

The Cockies on stage;
Mike, Steve, Jane and Lindsay

kids dancing at york park

Kids dance to packed grandstands.
All up, about 15,000 people filled the grounds and the stands.

cockies on stage 2

The Cockies on stage.
The view from the back this time.

cockies on stage 3

One more for luck

last updated by mikko; 13 November, 2001